Unfortunately this year for Diwali , I was in hospital as my wife had undergone an operation and was in the process of recuperation. Yes a hospital where there are sick people , some critical, some recovering, some being admitted , some in pain but hey that is what a hospital is about.
On the ground floor of the hospital there is a restaurant whose owner and employees decided to burst crackers in the middle of the night .. mind you this is the hospital building itself. So lets celebrate Diwali .. burst crackers in front of the hospital. Of course the owner had a big white car and wore a white attire so it had to be some politician or some affiliation to a political party (yes, our dear politicians, our elected representatives). Hey we have a right to celebrate Diwali ... especially in front of a hospital. Lets forget the 100 odd patients who need rest , we must celebrate our festival.
A hospital is a silence zone ......but wait .. sorry this does not apply during the festivals, obviously patients of a hospital are not important and the bursting of crackers takes precedence.. who cares about the sick... this is a time of celebration isn't it !? Why should we bother , we must celebrate, shouldn't we ?
Of course you must be out of your mind object, you would be accused of not respecting the religious sentiments of people, you would incur the wrath of the "connected" citizens and probably get thrashed in the bargain .. oh how accommodating & caring we have become...
The above incident at this particular hospital want the only case, it was reported all over the city.... celebration time we call it !
For heaven's sake, something is wrong with us. !!??!!
Where has our compassion gone ? Has our civic sense flowed into our sewers and more importantly have we forgotten basic decency ... at least leave the sick alone !!!!!