Sunday, August 09, 2020

Relocate dogs based on a poll, will I be next?

It sent a chill down my spine when I was informed that the committee of my housing society Silverdale is holding a POLL to decide whether to ask the PMC to RELOCATE (take away) the society dogs or not. The complaint is that they are a threat and a nuisance. 

Relocation could mean grievous injury or a certain death for these friendly Senior Citizen Dogs as they have now lost their survival skills to feed and fend for themselves.

Relocation of society dogs is illegal regardless of a result of a poll. But I am actually perplexed by the very creation of this poll. These society dogs are friendly, they have been sterilized and get vaccinated regularly. They are fed and taken care of by many members of society as well. They have lived amicably with humans in this society for over 7-8 years.

If there is a human - animal conflict (perceived or otherwise) as the poll suggests, I would have assumed at least an attempt to resolve the perceived conflict would have been made. But alas it seems we have find it easier and perhaps acceptable to have a poll to "Let's just get rid of them" instead. 

I am not expecting everyone to love animals and I understand some are genuinely scared of them but there are a number of steps that could have been taken by the managing committee to address these concerns instead of just attempting to throw them out of their home of so many years.

  • Engage with Animal - Human Conflict Resolution Experts, Animal Feeders and Pet Owners within the society to seek solutions on how to remove this perception of fear.

  • Create fixed feeding zones and feeding times.

  • Discourage members throwing food for them from balconies.

  • Requesting members to drive slowly past them just as one would if there were children on the road.

  • Create a protocol for cleaning of poop and garbage upheaval if required.

We humans have the intelligence and ability to resolve anything provided there is any open mind and an intent of resolution. Pet owners and animal lovers like me are already doing many of the above mentioned steps on our own initiative in this society so that we all attempt to live amicably with Nature and her creations.  

Unfortunately our efforts and advice have been steam rolled over by the committee and a misguided decision to have a poll to remove them from the society has been chosen instead. 

I wonder whether the committee members realize that when they take such misguided decisions, they are indirectly encouraging others of the same. Cruel Acts meted out to animals and constant harassment of pet owners and animal lovers will become perceived as acceptable and encouraged. Do they also understand that they will be held responsible for the ensuing criminal acts fueled by a misguided poll such as this?. 

Where does that leave the animal lover or feeder trying to serve the dogs? 

Apart from our families and us being harassed, our actions are misunderstood. If we speak up on behalf of the dogs or try to come forward to resolve a conflict, either we are ignored or get accused of being unreasonable. If we try to state the law regards animals as it stands, there are allegations thrown at us of taking cover of the law and using it as an intimidation tactic.   

I would have thought these several months of COVID would have triggered some kind wisdom for respect for Nature and her creations and the power She has over us. Yet the decision to take a poll unfortunately shows otherwise. 

There will be angst outcry between neighbours and there will be heartache, Animal Welfare Advocates will be approached, perhaps even visits to the police station and to the steps of a court. Do we really need to this amongst ourselves to resolve conflict between Nature and us?  

I am scared for these doggies, not only those in my society but all these stray dogs around facing this kind of inhumane and cruel treatment by humans. They have the same right as we have to live on this planet. 

Who knows the next poll might be to throw me out of the society for speaking up for those doggies...