Thursday, May 25, 2006

Junk candidates, resources...

As we go thru the daily routine of interviewing candidates for our office, there is this HUGE AMOUNT of JUNK candidates that are applying. They claim to have experience but even a fresher from school would know more programming than them and yet they will have this extremely long resume claiming huge experience and yet they dont know ANYTHING. It is very frustrating and irritating interviewing such candidates as it is a complete waste of our time and money.

I think everybody just wants to jump onto the IT bandwagon whether they are trained for it or not. Recently I interviewed this candidate and in our company we sometimes take the HR interview first , so here he sat confidently , answered with a lot of gusto etc. etc..seemed to be good so I shortlisted him. I had even asked him in general about the technologies and projects he had worked on. As he left he asked our front office assistance what was the position for which he had just been interviewed for ??!!! so now they dont even know what they going for an interview for, so long as its in IT and there might be a slim chance he might get selected.

Then there are these standard fake resumes and projects that seem to be floating around in the market. They are so many candidates who show the same projects and same description in thier experience profile even though they come from different companies. Its like we used to do in college for our term submissions, one person used to actually do the work and then we used to take his file and everyone used to copy the work and it seems it is now being done with resumes. !

Junk, fraud and absolutely rubbish level candidates get caught in our interviews within minutes so WHY do these candidates apply and how come they have the impression that they have a chance to be selected ???

Well.. these very same candidates get jobs in larger companies with much higher salaries for the SAME PROFILE.. cant believe how anyone in thier right mind would do this but it happens all the time !!!

This strenghtens my personal belief that 100s are being hired by the large companies like herding a pack of sheep and then they are not really being put into live production because they would screw up the project, they are either being put on bench (to show bench strength) or put onto non critical parts of projects so that clients can be shown that the promised number of people are being put on the job. How can they afford to do this ... well I come back to my previous arguement.. when you have a large project the client cannot really find out how many programmers are actually working compared to the ones that have been paid for, how many really are productive versus how many are just a part of the facade. Just add the people seems to be the policy as it helps billing.

Once again I do not feel that ALL big software companies are doing this but I have a strong belief it might be happening in atleast some of them.

If I am correct, this cannot last long and it will spoil our name in the global market....the leaders in our industry should address this seriously.