Friday, June 30, 2006

What happened to the original GURUS ???

Yesterday I got a call from an old friend of mine regarding this blog. I had asked him to read it but I had forgotten to give him the URL so he wanted the URL. When I put the phone down I got nostalic as I consider him one of the original technology GURUS. These are the guys who knew stuff about computers years before this IT boom took place.

I have known several GURUS such as him who were so far ahead of most of us in computer technology, its application and the development platforms. These guys knew the core of technology and did thier work for the sake of advancement of thier knowledge and capability. If you wanted to know about application of technology in the REAL WORLD scenario, how to get it done, which technologies to use , you would turn to them. They KNEW how to give the BEST of technology to the user. They used technology not for the sake of technology but they used technology for the sake of the user and that differentiated them from the rest.

But in this new age of huge IT companies, supposedly huge IT projects , massive projects, 100s of software programmers somehow they dont seem to figure in this BOOM at all. I would have thought that people such as this would be in the fore - front of the huge commercial successes in IT but somehow they dont seem to around. It is just not a few of them but a majority of them.

Did they get left behind, were they not recognized for thier talents, did they not want to join this WAVE.. this is something I have not been able to figure it.

According to me, had these people been recognized by the fathers of business , had they been adopted and groomed to lead the technology push of the country in this era of IT, I do believe we would have genuinely been able to claim that we werent just a cheap worker force in IT, but a TRUE scientific and advanced community in the field of IT.