For those who are not acquainted with Indian traditions & customs, the action of touching someone's feet is considered as a mark of respect for an elder. It also could be a mark of respect as shown by a student to a teacher in appreciation for the impartment of knowledge.
A couple of days ago, I had a software engineer resigning from her post in our company for better prospects. She was a good engineer and I was confident she would do well in her new job. Just before she left , I spoke to her and I gave my new pence of advice of what she was good at and what she needs to work on. It had been a good association but it was time to part ways. She then came upto me and touched my feet and said "thank you for everything".
This simple action came as a jolt out of the blue for me. This is the second time this has happened to me , the first being one of my senior engineers giving me this respect. Both times I have not known how to react and both times I am reminded of the immensity of the responsibility that we as employers/bosses/managers carry on our shoulders. This is the responsibility of not only ensuring that our people work well and get their projects done on time, within budget and of the quality required but also ensuring the growth of these youngsters both as a good engineers and more importantly as a good people. Once they step into our offices it becomes our responsibility also to mentor them, to groom them and work on building their self confidence.
When they step out of CygNET, they step out as better people and better engineers and that if nothing else I do believe this has been something I have always been able to achieve. They have learnt to respect their abilities, their work, their team mates and their clients. My engineers have always stepped out of CygNET as self confident and technically good engineers and more importantly I hope as better human beings.
Lately, our company has not been doing well at all for a variety of reasons and all sorts of thoughts crosses one mind when in a situation of adversity. You tend to question the level success of running a business and whether all the effort has been worth it.
Well thinking of these 2 your engineers , I do believe I have achieved a certain degree of success. During their tenure at CygNET , I have been able to touch their lives , I have been able to make them grow both professionally & technically and in return I have been awarded the respect that they would reserve for one own family only. This doesnt happen to everyone.
I think that is a achievement in itself.