Sunday, February 14, 2010

German Bakery Blast, Pune ... MNIK is more important

Last night we residents saw the scourge of terrorism extend its tentacles to our dear City of Pune. A bomb blast at German Bakery, Koregaon Park - 9-10 dead, scores injured...

What really disgusts me is that we as a people , our government , our opposition seem to concentrate on issues that really don't matter and should be addressed only when we really had nothing else to do.

A prime example of this was the recent charade between a movie star and a political party about a release of some movie ...!! What a waste of time and money ... the entire government machinery focused on whether a movie releases or , 11000 + security personal deployed to allow people to go for a movie ... scores of security personal to protect the actor & the politician ....

while ***a common man walking on the road gets blown apart due to a terror attack **** . Don't we have a priorities wrong ... ?

Scores of police to secure a multiplex and protect celebrities going for a movie

***while the common man looses a leg & livelihood as he walks by German Bakery and a Bomb explodes **** don't our priorities seem a little warped ??

Barricades across roads, 24 hour security, intelligence officials working day an night to ensure foreign nationals and their houses of worship are kept safe...

*** while the Indian Common Man lies in critical condition in some hospital because we could not protect him ..****** does this sound fair ? Should'nt we take care of our own first and then worry about the foreigners ?

It is time we really did a re-think of what our priorities really should be.

Should'nt we protect the common citizen of India instead of wasting time & money protecting some film star, some politician who doesn't really care about his electorate or some foreigner whose loyalty is his home land & not us ?

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Mr. Politician ... Leave our brave hearts out of all this..

Today in India, it is very difficult not to become a cynic just about everything. We do have the positives but at times the negatives seem to outweigh everything. The unfortunate part is that most of the time, the negativity always seems to radiate from something that is connected either directly or indirectly to our dear politician.

Our politicians seem to have no boundaries of what or who to use for their own mileage. Now it is the turn of the brave hearts who protected us (some of them gave up their lives to protect us) during the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai who have become a part of their political games.

Our brave hearts from the security forces live & die for our country and its citizens. To them, thwarting an terrorist attack on Indian soil does not depend on caste or religion. Their ferocity and courage to protect us is un paralleled and is never biased on regional lines .... they are our modern day "knights in shining armour" & nationalists to the core. There are an inspiration to us.

So Mr. Politician , leave them alone , do not include their names & honorable deeds in your twisted political manoeuvrings. What you are doing is wrong , very very wrong. We in India have such few people left to look up to ... keep away from them. What they do for us and this country is sacred and should be treated as such.

Using references of their brave deeds for political means is undignified, unpatriotic & unwanted.!


Thursday, February 04, 2010

Another Suicide , another life wasted ...

In the last couple of weeks I keep on hearing about how young children both school going as well as those going to college are committing suicide. One didn't do well in an examination so she committed suicide, another was fined Rs. 150 & did not know how to face the parents so he committed suicide, another could not participate in some reality show so committed suicide, another faced criticism in front of an audience so attempted to commit suicide and so on.....

HORRIFIED & SAD .... yes .. SURPRISED ... no !!!

Why do these children take these drastic steps, why does it seem that is so easy for them to go over the edge ...

Well... we are to blame for this ... the fault lies both with us as parents as well as the teachers especially at school level. We tend to forget that children are what we make them both at home and at school, we as parents & their teachers have brought them up, we as parents & their teachers have have taught them what they know, they have picked up everything from us & the teacher so lets not pick on the child as being weak.

If they have become strong and confident it is because of the parents and the teachers and the same goes if they are weak & insecure ... the responsibility is still ours.

We have suceeded in bringing up a child to be well versed with ABC & 123 but we on the way we forgot to teach them on to be strong, confident & good human beings.

When we look at bringing up a child today, it revolves around school & what happens in school. We seem to always stress on the ABCs & 123s. Everything is about getting it right both at home and at school and all is performance related. Naturally as the years go by the pressure increases, the expectation increases, performance level increases and soon the child is running at break neck speed ... but have we ever paused to think is the child mentally prepared to run at this speed .. ???

We really need to rethink what we are trying to achieve. I think in the early years we should teaching them more about life & the things that are beautiful, kind and happy. We should teach them what this great big world has to offer in terms of the soul. We need to teach them how to enjoy life with the smallest of blessings. We need to continuously build and monitor their self confidence and esteem ...... all this will never be seen on a report card but the child sure needs these paragraphs to graduate in the story of life.

Sure life is tough and competitive but what is the use of all this ABC & 123 if the child cannot handle oneself and the pressures of life ? What is the use of all this ABC and 123 if the child has no confidence and self esteem .....

What is the use of a top ranking report card when the child has committed suicide ?

Let us teach our children how to live life with its ups & downs first and then worry about the ABCs & 123s otherwise we are just going to see an increase in this very unfortunate trend of children taking their own lives. Today it might have happened to someone else's child but when was the last time you took the time to look the child's report card on life .....