Sunday, February 14, 2010

German Bakery Blast, Pune ... MNIK is more important

Last night we residents saw the scourge of terrorism extend its tentacles to our dear City of Pune. A bomb blast at German Bakery, Koregaon Park - 9-10 dead, scores injured...

What really disgusts me is that we as a people , our government , our opposition seem to concentrate on issues that really don't matter and should be addressed only when we really had nothing else to do.

A prime example of this was the recent charade between a movie star and a political party about a release of some movie ...!! What a waste of time and money ... the entire government machinery focused on whether a movie releases or , 11000 + security personal deployed to allow people to go for a movie ... scores of security personal to protect the actor & the politician ....

while ***a common man walking on the road gets blown apart due to a terror attack **** . Don't we have a priorities wrong ... ?

Scores of police to secure a multiplex and protect celebrities going for a movie

***while the common man looses a leg & livelihood as he walks by German Bakery and a Bomb explodes **** don't our priorities seem a little warped ??

Barricades across roads, 24 hour security, intelligence officials working day an night to ensure foreign nationals and their houses of worship are kept safe...

*** while the Indian Common Man lies in critical condition in some hospital because we could not protect him ..****** does this sound fair ? Should'nt we take care of our own first and then worry about the foreigners ?

It is time we really did a re-think of what our priorities really should be.

Should'nt we protect the common citizen of India instead of wasting time & money protecting some film star, some politician who doesn't really care about his electorate or some foreigner whose loyalty is his home land & not us ?